Monday, December 3, 2012

21 weeks... for real??

       Well, we had our 20week appt. on 11/29... it's was everything I had hoped and expected! My Dr. told Ryan and I that we did a great job.. and that we have a "perfect" baby on our hands.. as well as a perfect pregnancy... it was the best compliment I think anyone has ever given either of us! The baby was pretty snuggled up, but it's legs we just a going... future runner or soccer player? :) We did NOT find out the sex... Ryan looked the entire time.. mainly because he has no clue what he's looking at, and the lady was not pointing out it's "parts". I did glance for a sec. to see what he was looking at.. and thought there was a possibility I saw girl "parts", though it was literally for a split sec. and who knows what I was ACTUALLY looking at. Ryan stated that he thinks it's a boy... I said well did you see a penis? and he said he didn't know what he saw.. but he saw "something"... Who knows what that something was.. heck.. It could have been the umbilical cord! ;) So just as we wanted.. we are perplexed on the gender of our lil being.

Profile.. baby was facing down and back... so the image is a lil blurry!

Baby kissing or sucking wrist.. :)

Baby was facing down (cervix is to the R of babies head) and it's lil butt and legs are kicking me in the belly button! :)

          Yesterday I happened to be browsing through Erica's old US pics of her first child Addy.. and I found this!!
My baby.. and Ericas.. in the exact same postion!! :)

        I am feeling a lot more movement. The baby seems to be awake around 3am-4am.. and then sporadically throughout the day! I LOVE 3am-4am.. though it's makes for one sleepy momma! I can tell the babies head is down most of the time.. and I get nice strong kicks at the top of my uterus.. right around my belly button!
This belly is getting bigger by the min! I am told i'm in for a major growth spurt in the next 4 weeks! watch out!!

          Well that's all the news for now... I am now just patiently waiting for my mothers frame to come in the mail.. so I can ship it out! Once she knows.. I will finally be able to spill the beans to the world.. it's now becoming more of a chore to keep this a secret!! 

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