Monday, November 19, 2012

19 weeks on the 19th!!

19 weeks... already!! It's amazing... and this lil being is moving ALL over the place.. and I know i'm only feeling maybe 1/10 of what's actually going on in there! I only feel movement after I've ate, just woke up, and before bed... I <3 it! Today is going to be a fun day... I am going to register for all the goodies! My sister is coming with me as a helping hand. ( Sorry those of you who didn't find out till later.... but I totally "slipped" with telling my sister @ like 12 weeks.. plus she sees me often.. and would have wondered what was going on with this growing belly... Plus I couldn't think of a bigger X-Mas present to give to my back home family!)

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: not 100% sure i'm sure i've probably gained 5lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes.. pants
Stretch marks? None from this being!
Sleep: not good.... started having sciatica a few days ago.. does a number on sleeping!
Best moment this week: hearing the babies hb and movement.. and feeling more movement!
Have you told family and friends: a select few.. It'll be a Christmas surprise for the fam!
Miss Anything? Sleeping a full night
Movement: yes.. and what I thought was movement has been confirmed by the doppler
Food cravings: Nachos!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Over the yucks! thank goodness!
Have you started to show yet: houston.. we have a BUMP (that everyone can finally see)
Gender prediction: Im convinced it's a boy.. until it comes out with a vagina! :)
Labor Signs: nope!
Belly Button in or out? In... but its getting shallow!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happily emotional.. ha
Looking forward to: our anatomy scan in 10 days!
Not loving: I donno.. i'm loving it all!
(10 days till our anatomy scan.... 21 days till I mail out our xmas "gifts")

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