Monday, November 26, 2012

20 weeks?! That's bananas! :)

       That right we are 20 weeks and our "wiggler" (because it's been wiggly ALL morning <3) is now the size of a ......
(Apx. 10.5oz and 6.5in long from head to bottom or 10in from head to heel)
      It is also finally the week of our big appointment... Thurs. folks!! I simply can not wait to see our amazing babe... and I'm pretty sure Ryan is equally as excited! He doesn't get to feel all the love nudges .. so seeing it on the US is his only way to interact at this point.. besides taking care of me or "dealing" with me! ha ha

      Yesterday I finally purchased the frames for my mom and dad... I will make copies of the photos from Thurs. to put in them! This will for sure be a Christmas they'll never forget :) I will also be making picture Christmas cards to send out to the rest of our friends and family!

      Well I guess i'll keep busy with school work... it's almost over!!! I'm excited to spend time cleaning...purging...and organizing! This baby will be here before we know it! :)

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