Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween (16w)

      Well, I had my appt yesterday (11/1 - 16w3d).. our lil pumpkin had a nice strong hb of 150 bmp and the belly is measuring "very good". I am feeling "myself" these days.. with an appetite like a horse!! I am so glad November is here.. only 4-5 more weeks of school and only 27 more days till we get to visit with our pumpkin during our LONG anatomy scan! :) AND 5 weeks or so till the whole word knows about our "gift"! I believe on  10/29 I felt our pumpkins first "flutter" .... I had been drinking water and laying in bed.. the water was making "glug" sounds in my upper stomach.. which I believe startled our being and it did a quick "flutter'" and it was gone! My ob believes that by next week the flutters should become more frequent... with full movement in no time! :) Can't wait!!

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