Saturday, November 24, 2012

Nothing says Thanksgiving like a ....

        I meant to post this blog a few days ago... but that obviously didn't happen! As of today we are 19w5d... I can not believe that in 2 days we will have reached the 1/2 way point.. has it really been 20 weeks?!?(I mean i've only known for 17 weeks.. but still) Just doesn't seem possible! At this rate .. our lil being will be here before we know it! There are all sorts of lil nudges going on inside this "oven". Today while listening for the HB I found the lil stinker all the way up by my belly button...which is just about where my uterus ends at this point!

       People on FB have been posting what they are thankful for everyday.. I myself am thankful for sooo much but am most thankful for the "bun" I am baking!

       Ryan is so funny.. he says to me yesterday.. "why does your stomach indent just past ur belly button? isn't the whole belly supposed to be big and round?" I told him oh just wait!! :) (see last understand what he was talking about)

       Only 5 more days till our "BIG" US... and just over 2 weeks before the world knows! :)


  1. Hey I didn't see this pick yet! Your really looking prego in this one! Little nugget is getting bigger by the day! Since I don't know if its a boy or girl I am going to refer to it as nugget from now on!

  2. I almost started crying when I seen this look AMAZING, and I'm super sad that I'm missing out on watching your lil "being" grow, and feel him/her move. Thank you for inviting me to view this!!
