Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Slacking... :(

        I swore that when I started this blog I would not be one of those "blog slackers".... Well, I realize it's been over 3 weeks since I have posted.. I swear.. not by choice.. I have had to work a lot of extra days and have had what feels like just a lot going on! :)
         Obviously this belly is growing like crazy! :) I feel really good.. and have just recently had to get up a little more frequently at night! :) I have had a couple appts. since I last blogged and things are still moving right along... perfectly! I had an US last Wed... the Dr. thought it would be best to take a peek since at 28 weeks my belly was measuring 33-34 weeks. Thanks to the US we found out our baby is perfectly on track.. I was 32w3d .. and every part of the baby was also measuring 32w3d :) The Dr. said it's not very often that babies are so symmetrical.. and loves when he sees such!

our lil babe was sucking away on it's lil hand.. and wasn't letting go! :)

        Valentines has also come and gone! Ryan bought me my yearly gold dipped rose.. love it!

         Also.. instead of a nice dinner or date for Valentines day.. we spent our night in the ED and L&D.. yooy. On my way home that night.. another car decided to plow into me :(
       I am very thankful that I was hit where I was.. if they had got my door.. my hospital stay would have been much longer.. and scary to think of what else could have happened! The baby and I ended up being fine.. except I do have a pretty inflamed tendon in my left wrist that I hope heals soon! :) Since the accident .. the car has been totaled.. and we are in the process of purchasing a new car.. that we actually hope to get today! :)

       My sister and I finally did the bedding! I love it.. it's simple but oh so cute.. cannot wait until our lil babe it stretched out in it!

         Other then that we are just continuing our bradley classes.. and patiently waiting for baby Wehner! It's hard to believe that we have less than 2 months before our babe is snuggled in our arms. Things will remain pretty busy up until the birth, which makes it nice. Next Fri. Ryans sisters Kris and Mary will be coming for the weekend. My shower is next Sat. .... and i'm soooo excited!! Then.. Erica will be here about a week later... even if I only get to see her for a day.. I can't wait! After that.. we'll be looking at the end of Mar. just in time to really begin preparing and gearing up for our babe!

     Our lives our great... but they are about to get even better!! <3


1 comment:

  1. How scary you were involved in a crash! Ugh :( so glad you and lil babe are a ok. Guess you don't need to worry about the car seat fitting in that car anymore. Love the last photo with you at your desk. You are one glowing and happy mama to be!
