Monday, March 25, 2013

Term.... 37 weeks!

          I know.. i've been MIA again! Finally this week we are back to "normal" no more covering at work.. which makes a huge difference. Speaking of work.. I only have 12 days or less left.. before the baby comes; CRAZY! :)
          Today marks the beginning of week 37.. the babe is officially considered term.. and can come any day between today... and the 4th week of April. I am now doing weekly appointments, at last weeks appt. I hadn't gained any weight (total weight can is ~25lbs) and the babe is still head down.. I am also strep B negative!
  We're growing... full speed ahead!! :)
          My sister had a shower for me April 9th.. and it of course turned out great... great people... great food... and great gifts! :)

           This last week I spent most of my free time working on the nursery... I really just wanted to get it DONE! There are still a few things left to do.. but a good chunk is out of the way. My sister will come over this afternoon and help me make banners to hang up and add a lil bit more fun to the room :)

           Now... we wait... we wait for our lives to change forever... we wait to meet the love of our lives.. and we wait for the unknown! :) This week will be our last week of our Bradley classes. I am now starting to get nervous about the labor/delivery... but I still feel strong.. and know I can do it.. if not for me.. for our precious gift!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Slacking... :(

        I swore that when I started this blog I would not be one of those "blog slackers".... Well, I realize it's been over 3 weeks since I have posted.. I swear.. not by choice.. I have had to work a lot of extra days and have had what feels like just a lot going on! :)
         Obviously this belly is growing like crazy! :) I feel really good.. and have just recently had to get up a little more frequently at night! :) I have had a couple appts. since I last blogged and things are still moving right along... perfectly! I had an US last Wed... the Dr. thought it would be best to take a peek since at 28 weeks my belly was measuring 33-34 weeks. Thanks to the US we found out our baby is perfectly on track.. I was 32w3d .. and every part of the baby was also measuring 32w3d :) The Dr. said it's not very often that babies are so symmetrical.. and loves when he sees such!

our lil babe was sucking away on it's lil hand.. and wasn't letting go! :)

        Valentines has also come and gone! Ryan bought me my yearly gold dipped rose.. love it!

         Also.. instead of a nice dinner or date for Valentines day.. we spent our night in the ED and L&D.. yooy. On my way home that night.. another car decided to plow into me :(
       I am very thankful that I was hit where I was.. if they had got my door.. my hospital stay would have been much longer.. and scary to think of what else could have happened! The baby and I ended up being fine.. except I do have a pretty inflamed tendon in my left wrist that I hope heals soon! :) Since the accident .. the car has been totaled.. and we are in the process of purchasing a new car.. that we actually hope to get today! :)

       My sister and I finally did the bedding! I love it.. it's simple but oh so cute.. cannot wait until our lil babe it stretched out in it!

         Other then that we are just continuing our bradley classes.. and patiently waiting for baby Wehner! It's hard to believe that we have less than 2 months before our babe is snuggled in our arms. Things will remain pretty busy up until the birth, which makes it nice. Next Fri. Ryans sisters Kris and Mary will be coming for the weekend. My shower is next Sat. .... and i'm soooo excited!! Then.. Erica will be here about a week later... even if I only get to see her for a day.. I can't wait! After that.. we'll be looking at the end of Mar. just in time to really begin preparing and gearing up for our babe!

     Our lives our great... but they are about to get even better!! <3


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

30w1d ... it's flying by!

        Well since I  skipped posting last week... I suppose it's best to start with last weeks photo! :)

        Last week I also started working on a little bit of art that I will obviously hang in the nursery. The theme of the nursery is a colorful "woodland" theme.

        I think they turned out really neat.. and I figure it's nice to add a lil momma creativity to a babies room.. makes it that much more special!

        Last week Ryan also started working on a new project. He started building a co-sleeper that I happened to find on pinterest ...of course! I am so excited for it to be finished... should be done this weekend for sure.. all that's left is a lil bit of sanding and paint. Here is a close example of what he's built..
         This past weekend I also had my first baby shower! The girls from work put together an awesome brunch/shower for Dr. Cythina and I... the food was yummy and we both got great gifts!! It was a fun time for all! :)
The super cute invites!

The amazing gifts I received!

        We also had our hospital tour this weekend. The birthing center in the hospital is soooo nice! The tour actually made me more excited to give birth! I know most people are fearful of the actual "birth" part of having a baby.. but not I.. i'm so excited to experience it all.. good or bad! If you're curious this gives you an idea... I know.. the video is a lil corny birthing center.

       Other then that nothing else is really new.. this belly is growing like crazy.. we have an appt this coming Mon. with my midwife and an appt the following week for an ultrasound to see how big this baby really is. At my last appt I was 28w.. measuring 33w.. so they just want to make sure it is baby position vs. a large baby.. which after they "felt" the baby .. both the midwife and OB assured me they did not think the baby was "big" :) I am of course excited for Valentines day next week... can't wait to see what Ryan spoils me with this year... the hard part is finding a gift for him!!
Here's this weeks photo! Time to retire my fav hoodie :(

For fun.. here's a photo of Ryan and I ...about 4/5 months! He constantly argues that he's the better looking baby.. though I beg to differ ;) Regardless, after looking at these photos I can't wait to see "our" babies sweet lil face!

Friday, January 25, 2013

80 more days-ish! (28w5d)

       We had our 28 week appt. yesterday.. and as expected everything is going great! The baby is head up/transverse .. just kind of being comfy and hanging out! :) Measurements are right on.. so hopefully this baby will be an average 6-7lbs! I seriously can not believe I am as far along as I am... I feel great *knock on wood* and things are moving so smoothly. Our next appt. we will be 32 weeks and my OB wants to do one last US ... (which was totally unexpected but totally excites me.. hoping for a lil 3D action!) just to make sure everything is spot on like we expect.. and it'll also give me a good idea on what i'll be pushing out soon after!

       The beginning of the week grandma provided the baby with a mini shopping spree.. we were able to buy just about all of the more expensive things that we needed.. also thanks to sales and coupons!

Graco Contempo

Baby Einstein

Britax Travel System

Graco Travel Play Yard
        We took a lil mini "babymoon" last weekend...we went and stayed at a nearby fancy casino and pigged out on a yummy buffet! It was short and sweet but a nice lil getaway!
        It also seems like there is all sorts of exciting stuff coming up! My first baby shower is a week from tomorrow (Feb 2).. the girls at work are doing it for Dr Cynthia and I.. should be lots of fun! My big shower that my sister is hosting will be Mar 9th... and pretty sure my mom will be here for a long weekend.  Then.. I just found out that Erica will be coming with Chris to his next conference the 3rd week of March.. excited that she'll get to see me as big as a house... and the cake topper is she'll also be coming back after the baby is born.. probably sometime in May! Super Excited!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

27 weeks.. questions!

                       27 weeks! ... Babe is the size of a cauliflower.. apx. 14.5 inches and almost 2lbs!!

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Just about 13-15lbs

Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? None from this being! 
Sleep: Varies... depends on if I have to work the next day.. and hip pain
Best moment this week: Buying a belly support belt!
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows
Miss Anything? Sleeping a full night
Movement: All the time!
Food cravings: Indian (spicy) and sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Over the yucks! thank goodness!
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah!
Gender prediction: Im convinced it's a boy.. until it comes out with a vagina! :)
Labor Signs: nope! 
Belly Button in or out? In... but its getting shallow!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happily emotional.. ha

Looking forward to: 2 weeks appointments and my first baby shower Feb 2
Not loving:  i'm loving it all... even the pain is sooooo worth it!

An emotional week..

       This week was a rough one.... I lost my dear friend Sarah. Sarah was an AMAZING person.. and there was never a time she didn't put a smile on your face. Sarah had been sick for quite sometime, but was a true fighter and was on the mend.... when an infection invaded her weak little body.. she had fought for so long that she lacked the strength to fight anymore. I last went to the hospital to see Sarah on New Years eve... she was her feisty self and was miserable being trapped in that hospital. Sarah s birthday is Jul 23rd.. which also happens to be the same day we conceived. On Jul 24th Sarah came into work and during our morning gossip.. she got goosebumps.. she looked at me and said "Oh my god Kylea.. you're pregnant.. I KNOW it" ... This being the next day.. I told her she was crazy and laughed it off. Well Miss Sarah was right.. I would find out a few weeks later I was indeed pregnant! From that moment on we joked that she was our fairy god mother! Sarah was also convinced that this baby was a girl and would be born Apr 5th or 10th (the day her mother was born.. and passed) :) Sarah couldn't wait to snuggle our babe... my heart breaks knowing that I am now unable to share this special time with my special friend. I am thankful that the last time I saw Sarah she was able to "feel" the babe.. she just lit up! I last spoke to Sarah on my b-day via phone (we thought she'd be moving to another facility so she had me hold off on coming up.. which I now regret) .. as we hung up ... we shared I loves you's.. little did I know that would be the last words I'd speak to me dear friend.. 

She'll forever be our fairy god mother...

       Whew... now that I've got the emotional break down over.. We are now in our 3rd trimester!!! Where is time going??.. Last Wed. we also began our Bradley Method classes.. so far so good! I truly think over the next 11 weeks we'll learn a ton to help prepare us for the birth we are seeking!

       I have also picked out the fabric for the bedding, I wanted to do a woodland theme... but I'm all about bright colors vs. the softer/warmer colors in a standard woodland theme. I decided that the only way i'd get what I wanted is if I made my own bedding.. I will also be doing some neat "animal" artwork! :)

       We also brought the crib up-stairs and put together! Now I just need to decided how I want it all arranged.. figure i'll wait till the recliner comes in before I worry about it!

       So thankful to to finally be in my 3rd trimester... viability is officially >90%! Which is an amazing sigh of relief ... I will bake this baby as long as possible.. but it's comforting to know that our baby doesn't "need" me to make it! :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

26 weeks and other randoms!

       I seriously can not believe the next week I begin my 3rd trimester! I know i've said it often... but I seriously don't know where time is going! Everything is still going great... and our lil babe is active as ever. We have been having movement for awhile now.. but a few times a day our lil one seems to like to show off.


       On Sat. Jan. 4th I turned the big 2-9! We didn't do anything to exciting... Ryan got me a few lil things and took me out to dinner! We have a hotel room reserved towards the end of the month @ Ameristar to do a lil gambling.. and celebrate my b day and degree!

Ahhh the BEST cake ever.. good thing he only bought me a slice.. cause I could easily eat the whole damn cake! (wholefoods berry chantilly)

       My parents and grandma sent me $$ ... Ryan and I used the money to buy a rocker for the babes room! I'm so glad my dad talked me into looking around. We of course were initially looking for a glider rocker.. though i'm sorry... I have never sat in a "comfortable" glider.. EVER! The chair we found is perfectly comfortable.. and the perfect size!  :)
Our local la-z-boy was having a "remodeling" sale and we got the "vail" recliner for a steal!  
          On Sunday I received the best package at my door ever! My associates degree.... I have worked sooo long and hard to receive it! I have moved twice.. switched from an associates of science... and worked full time.. it has FINALLY all paid off!

       Ryan and I had thought of 3 goals/stipulations that I wanted to meet before we had a baby.. 2 of these have been accomplished in the last week! #1 being to have my associates degree.. #2 become pregnant before i'm 30.. and #3 was to lose 30lbs before I became pregnant.. (#3 is on hold until May)

       I have also decided on the take home outfit... The outfit is one my cousin Amber got me when I was expecting my first baby.
I will be buying this headband from Etsy in case it's a girl

and... I will be buying this lil hat in case it's a boy!

      Thinking about what my lil bundle will be wearing home from the hospital makes me SOOO excited!!

       I will leave you all with a lil artsy fartsy belly shot! :)

25w 4d.. happy b day to me!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

No "Diabetus" for me... on to 2013! :)

       We had our 24w appt on 12/27 and everything was great. I had my glucose test which I passed with flying colors!! The belly is measuring 25w with a hb of 148. This lil being is all over the place.. a matter of days before it's in my ribs..eek!!

       Our Christmas was nice and quiet. My sister brought over a yummy artichoke lasagna .. I provided veggies and of course.. made dessert! My sister and her family got us a Marpac Dohm sound conditioner..which is perfect!! We also got a few calls and txt msgs from Ryan's family who now know they have a new family member on the way! I'm anxious to be a host and have everyone meet and snuggle our babe!

      We also got the nursery all cleaned out and brought the dresser up from downstairs.. and yes i've already filled it with clothes! :)

      I am SO excited for 2013! It's going to fly by.. but I will love every second of it. I'll be 29 in 3 days.. then Valentines Day...Easter....and before we know it.. it'll be Tax/Due day! Crazy to think that after my next appt (1/24).. i'll go from monthly visits to bi-weekly.. come mid march our visits will be weekly. Lastly, on the 14th of this month I will officially be in my 3rd trimester.. home stretch baby!

      Everyone comments how low I am.. but trust me.. i'm perfectly content with being nice and low! I can still breath and have yet to get a karate chop to the ribs! :)